Absence Makes the Heart...

We've been bad bloggers. I suppose since we decided it might be best if we took a 3 week break (which was dumb, but our bank accounts thanked us) that we haven't posted much progress on the blog. I mean, I should have time to blog since I wasn't thinking of something to do with Kevin (oh, but I was) but since I got a Dyson, that took up a lot of time.

As a result of this, anyone may stop by my dust-free home whenever they want. However, on a 101 list note, I did accomplish a couple things:

#31 Attend a class that is out of my element. This was COMPLETELY out of my element since I have no upper body strength, no real sense of balance and, well, I had no idea what I was doing. HOWEVER, Jessica at Bella Forza made me feel SO accomplished and made the Intro class easy to follow along. If you want to feel like an badass acrobat - do it! Just register online! I'm going back but I need a few weeks to get movement back in my arms...

Look! I'm upside down!
#51 Organize my family cookbook. The ole' cookbook. It was a bright red three-ring binder that started with neat, crisp family recipe pages, in 2000 Word version, which at the time, I though was very ahead of the game for us small town folk; is now a faded, tattered, stained version of its former self. Recipe cards stuck in between pages, handwritten notes, suggestions and amendments to a certain dish, pages and pages of loose recipes folded in half and shoved in a side pocket. How could I maintain my food inspiration with such mess? My OCD kicked in every time I saw it and I would shove it back into my bookshelf.

But alas, now that I am home more often and LOVE to experiment with food, this task needed to be accomplished sooner rather than later. I received the cooking gene and I didn't want it to go to waste. So, I set a date with my grandmother and her recipe stash. One Saturday afternoon we stat on her couch and rolled my mission into fruition. I typed, and typed, and typed. Three hours of typing, to be exact, as my excitement bubbled over. I would read through her index cards of delicacies she whipped up often and chuckle at her notes of "PS: Brush egg whites to create the perfect brown crust. PSS: I don't always do this". I needed my cookbook with a blend of my southern roots with pies, cakes and confections accompanied with the bold and rich flavors my father's middle eastern cookbook offered. Needless to say, my once thin and tattered cookbook has now doubled in size with more recipes that I could make in a year.

I suppose I could work on another number: #3 throw a themed dinner party.