
We are crossing things off!

#54 Go three months without buying something from Sephora.

Afsi is a sucker for all things makeup and perfume, so this was a real accomplishment. After the long drought, her first purchase after three months was the Sephora Sun Safety Kit. It comes highly recommended.

#21 Go rock climbing - outdoors.

This deserves a back story. Before we tie the knot, say our vows, start the long walk, get hitched, etc., we've planned a trip with two friends through Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. (Crossing off #48!) While we have things to see in each stop-over, one of the most palm-sweat-inducing adventures planned is a trek along the Swiss alps in Mürren, in a climbing style called "Via Ferrata" or "Klettersteig".

We all reasoned that perhaps our first time clinging to the side of a cliff shimmying along rebar rungs should not be hundreds of feet above the Lauterbrunnen valley in the Alps. Walk before you run, people.

A look on the Google machine elicited surprising results: the closest via ferrata (the only commercial via ferrata on the East Coast) happened to be about 5 miles away from our wedding venue in a rock climbing haven called Torrent Falls. For Afsi's birthday weekend, the four of us booked a training course and rented some gear to warm up on Kentucky's rock walls.

The experience was exhilarating. You are perfectly safe in your harness, with two separate lines connecting you to a cable secured into the rock face, but your brain tells your adrenaline powerhouse (I don't know much about anatomy) that YOU WILL DIE IF YOU FALL so that every wobble, slip and "clack" from your carabiner results in a BPM of 140 and trembling hands. In other words, it was perfect.

Related: we will be travelling from Belgium to Konstanz, on to Zürich before Mürren, and then hiking Le Cinque Terre, followed by a brief 5 hours in Rome and a few days in Bologna and Venice. Wish us luck, and if you know of any great restaurants or places to visit in any of these cities, let us know!

- K