
This past weekend encouraged our spontaneous selves to explore Arizona as well as make stops to see friends and family.
I am not quite sure what I thought Arizona would look like but it wasn't what I had in my head. The intense colors of the mountains that lit up when the sun rose was unlike anything that I had witnessed before. 

Our first stop was to see the Godlaskys in Tucson. They had a newborn girl that turned into being my first time holding a baby. She might be the sweetest thing I have ever held! I will also add, I do not have intentions of having one any time soon, however, she eased my mind in thinking they might not be so bad.

Our short time in Tucson consisted of a lovely place called Noble Hops for some craft beers.

We also went on a lovely hike with Stu as our tour guide.

Kevin got a look halfway up. It seemed like he was trying to run the mountain. I, of course, was out of breath.

A handstand is required before conquering a mountain.

And a sorority pose.

Tucson has a lot to offer and we will be back soon.

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